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Services > Search Engine Marketing

You invested your time and money into a good web site, isn't it time it started paying you back?

That's what we do at XP Solutions. We build web sites that work towards increasing exposure, sales and distribution of the products or services your company offers.

We utilize our skills, expertise, experience, and resources to market your business professionally and economically for limitless growth. Our goal is your online popularity and prosperity.

Here's a startling fact for potential Internet entrepreneurs: 8 out of 10 web sites business fail to make a profit!

Here is why:

Well, the number one reason is a lack of traffic to their site. This is largely due to the fact that their web site can only be found by typing in the exact address, for example www.yoursite.com. So, how do people find you if they don't know your web site address? You use a professional web development company that understands exactly how the search engines work. It is fact that 85% of the traffic to a standard site usually originates from search engines.

We will work with you to make sure your site has all the right elements to do just that. We research your area and find out exactly how people are searching for your products and/or services and what the competition is in that area and design and market your site accordingly.

Search Engine Positioning

Most traffic to a web site starts with a keyword search in one of the major search engines (i.e. Google, Yahoo, MSN). The web sites that show up at the top of the page are the ones that get visited. To have a shot at attracting visitors to your site you need to be on the top of the page. Most people rarely look past the first page of results for their search term. If they don't find what they are looking for then they move on to a new search term. If you're not in the first listings (up to 10 search results), your chances of capturing the visitor will drop quite dramatically. Most search engine optimization companies like to say you need to be on one of the first three pages, the truth is, if your not on the first page you wasting your time.

Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization? It is how we go about getting the best "optimal" search engine placement in relation to a search engine query. We do this by integrating key word terms on a page and the manipulation of the structure of a web site i.e. body text content, titles, page format etc. The search engines use algorithms that are unique to their particular indexing process. Our technicians have extensive knowledge of the algorithms used by the search engines and are constantly keeping abreast of the latest changes to keep your site ranked as high as possible.

Below are shown key elements your search engine popularity depends upon:

- Your domain name and how relevance it is to your potential target audience
- Your titles of the web pages and mostly of your home page
- The keywords used in your meta tags
- How often your web pages are updated
- How many links are linking back to your web site and what type of words are linked
- How many key words are used in your content that is relevant to the potential target visitors that you wait to come from search engines
- Your web site content relevance
- The combination of content with domain name and key words as well as other links that come from content relevant web sites and their web popularity
- How important are the web sites that link back to your web property
- Press Releases tactics, includes publishing of your news over popular news sites
- Pure Link Directories listing (i.e. Dmoz.org, Yahoo, LookSmart, Business.com and more)
- Target link exchange partnerships
- The number of web pages your web site handles
- The number of your unique visitors
- The number of repeat visits to your web site
- How old your web site is

It's very important to us that your site attains the highest ranking possible, giving you high visibility and bringing business to your site. There are some questionable methods in use by others that can sometimes bring spectacular short-term results, but once the engines get wise to these methods, these sites quickly drop or disappear completely. Depending on the method used some are even banned from that search engine! We are looking at long-term results and so we employ tried and true methods that abide by the search engines criteria, in other words we play the game honestly.

It is very important you to know that it does take time to make your web site popular over the web.


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