> Services > Application
> Application Design
XP Solutions
can design and develop business applications of almost any
size or type. A detailed design is critical to a project's
success. All projects are divided into three phases: a requirements
phase, a design phase and a development phase.
Identification of business problem(s) to be addressed
Determination of the feasibility of the project
Provide estimate for complete project design
Design Phase
Use of Joint Application Design methodology
Develop requirements specifications document
Develop work flow documents
Design data structure
Develop screen, processing, and report specifications
Provide the General Design Document
If requested, provide an estimate for the development phase
Development Phase
Use of Shell and tested code libraries to speed development
Provide Gantt charts of development timeline
Use a cyclical testing method
Provide alpha, beta, and gamma versions for rigorous testing
Provide software tools to aid in bug reporting and feature
Provide detailed development and User documentation
We provide
a complete set of Design Documents for each project. We also
provide a project Web Site containing PDF and/or Microsoft
Word versions of all the documents.
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