> XP Solutions News > Omega Telecom Ltd has changed its name to XP Solutions Ltd
Omega Telecom Ltd has changed its name to XP Solutions Ltd
January 2005 (Sofia, Bulgaria) -- Omega Telecom Ltd, an IT firm both hardware and software oriented has changed its name to XP Solutions as to reflect the company's new vision and strategy.
Omega Telecom Ltd, launched back in 1996/1997 with the only mission to be a telecom, network systems and equipment integrator over the Bulgarian market has lately been reformed to take an advantage on the rapidly growing internet market niche in Southeastern Europe. From Internet and web development through intranet and extranet corporate systems Omega Telecom has been an active player over the specific market niche on the corporate level during 1996 and 1997 in Bulgaria. The major political crisis which took place during mostly 1997 has also affected our company and we were forced to again reorganize and move our focus, most of our operations and efforts to the U.S. market. Since then the company has been engaged in researching, projecting, deploying and development of a massive number of small, mid-level and large scale web-based, from ecommerce to multimedia, projects mainly for American clients.
Today, with the change of our corporate identity and name our focus is now shifting from the web development and outsourcing solely to the e-business consultancy industry or the combination of two as to reflect our belief where the knowledge, expertise, practical experience and the deep understanding of the processes taking place over web now days, gained over the years, play much bigger role than simply coding.
Omega Telecom Ltd is now XP Solutions Ltd.
About XP Solutions Ltd
XP Solutions Ltd., established in 1996 - the days Internet has gained its initial popularity - is an Eastern Europe based professional web consulting and development company funded by U.S. private capital with IT center located in Sofia, Bulgaria and two marketing offices in United States and Western Europe.